Simple habits to make 2021 a better year for you

Monday, January 18, 2021

simple healthy habits for 2021

Simple habits to make 2021 a better year for you

I woke up thinking about the things I can do to make my year a better year for me. If I believe these habits can bring a smile on my face, I believe it works the same for you. Small little simple habits that  are easy to follow.

Sleep at least 7 hours a night

Sleep is essential, and like every soul, it needs rest. I sleep 8-hours on a good night to wake up feeling refreshed, lighter and in a better mood. My mind was ready to kickstart as ideas and plans flowed through me easily. I know myself the best— hence getting any sleep less than 6 hours a night will turn me into an angry bitch but of course, who’s to blame but my own self for not putting down the screen. 

Scrolling through the night, thinking to myself that I can still operate on 5 hours sleep. Of course, we can all still operate even on 3 hours of sleep (on some days), but we operate differently. Our emotion, perspective, tantrums and productivity are compromised when we sleep less.

Try making a simple habit of getting 7 hours of solid sleep every night— of course partying till late night once in a while is okay but always kick yourself back to a disciplined sleeping schedule if you want to make the most of your day time. Trust me on this, I’ve been both the pleasant person and an angry bitch depending on the hours I’ve slept. Be the pleasant person.

Walk as much as you can

Living in Malaysia where walking is not really an option to get anywhere except if you’re going to the mini mart just in front of your house, there’s barely a proper pavement for pedestrians in where I live. Nevertheless, walk as much as you can. Take the stairs when you can, drive to the nearest park and walk among the lush green trees and grass. If exercising is not your cup of tea, walking helps you to keep your body moving. Especially if you’re working on your desk 9 hours a day, take a brief walk to your pantry every hour. Walking helps to tear you away from your work as you refresh your mind with a breather— and your body the movement they need.

When you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious of stress: take a walk.

simple healthy habits for 2021

Check in on friends and family

Now that the pandemic has reached a full year, we’re still socially distancing from our friends and families. Everyone is busy with their days and their lives— and the pandemic isn’t treating everyone kindly. Everyone is struggling a little more trying to keep afloat on their boat. Text your friends and check in on how they’re doing, send a greeting to your grandmother and ask if there is anything you can help with. Spark conversations with your contact list because who knows, you might just rekindle an old friendship.

Spend time with yourself

We’ve been spending so much time at home recently, with the quarantine and movement control order still in place. As the number of cases rises into alarming digits these days, it’s wise to just stay home and enjoy your own company. I find this truly a difficult concept to practice after being attached to a partner— I felt like I barely spent time with myself.

Taking a few days off just to relax, play and have fun by myself nurtures your inner child. The person who holds you dear which has been neglected as we’re all consumed by friends, families and partners. Make up a movie date for yourself, bring yourself some good treats and read a book. Start a hobby or take walks by yourself. Just immerse in the time you’re spending with yourself, you’ll learn to be happier.

1-minute rule

I find myself misplacing things pretty often because of my laziness to just put them back at where they belong. On some days, my bed is not made or my health supplements aren't taken. These things only require 1 minute of my time, yet I procrastinated hence not getting them done. If something requires only 1 minute of your time, like putting back your books or making your bed, do it. You’ll find your life more organized if you do these small little things

Read your affirmations daily

Sometimes we need a little positive boost. Even on my darkest days, I find reciting affirmations helps in lightening a dark place. Words are powerful as long as you believe in them. Affirmations work hand in hand with the LOA, hence, not only you’re manifesting, you’re also tricking your brain into thinking what you can do and feel. Read your affirmations daily to feel empowered.

A list of my favorite affirmations I read daily:

  1. I trust that I am on the right path.
  2. My possibilities are endless.
  3. I choose to be happy today.
  4. I will not worry about things I cannot control.

Start small positive habits and see the difference in makes in your world. Let’s make 2021 a better year than before— these habits can be a pivoting part of your life.

Till then,

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