A year of achievements, 2020

Thursday, December 31, 2020

A year of achievements, 2020.

Today’s a rare occasion, for I am writing this post for myself. To remind me of the tough times I have stayed strong, braved through the stormy seas. Or to remind me of the sweet times I’ve tasted, walking gently past a luscious field of wildflowers.

2020 may be a stagnant year for some— but for me, it was a year filled with lessons, courage, and fulfilment. It came as a surprise when I was counting my achievements this year. My word of the year— bloom, resonated so well with my growth throughout this year. In a way, I felt like the Universe knew I was ready to bloom and now is the right time.

And so, I bloomed. Like a peony unfurling its light petals towards the bright sky.

I wouldn’t wish to prattle on with purposeless words in today’s post, but to keep it simple and easy to remember when I needed a little evidence of my own power + aptitude.

What I have achieved in 2020:

  • Learn new lessons in personal growth and put them into action
  • Bought a house (currently in a housing debt but excited to own a cozy home)
  • Published articles and got paid for them! You can read my works here.
  • Started a side hustle online business here
  • Hit my savings goal of RM8,000 this year

They seem like pretty big accomplishments that my 2019 self would have a hard time believing she can achieve— but then hey, she did it! Of course, all these achievements are made possible because of the help from others, some in very uncanny ways.

Everyone has small little things that can be called achievements, if you feel that you have not done anything this year, dig a little deeper— or it may just be on the surface. Something as easy as waking up every morning is already an accomplishment.

Give yourself a pat on the back, I believe you have your own list of achievements.

Till then, 

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